The Human Giant

Chapter 91 91: Meeting The Skyrock Siblings Again

"With my current speed, it should take me one year to saturate my Crystal Nerves. " Yoze looked at his remaining crystals and felt that these weren\'t enough for him and he needed a lot more.

"As for practicing my witchcraft, I\'m going to need to burn through tens of crystals." 

If he wanted to support Tiki\'s and Dreyer\'s endeavors he also needed to make more money than even his salary as a scholar could reasonably afford.

"The money from just being a scholar isn\'t enough to sustain our cultivation but it is enough for now. I\'m not in great need myself so I will focus on supporting Tiki and Dreyer. I can also get more money by completing some missions for the city." Feeling his ever-increasing need for money, Yoze couldn\'t help but recall the conversation he had with Timothy when they were traveling back to the city.

Four months ago...

"Yoze, can I speak with you?" Timothy walked over to Yoze.

"Yeah of course,"

"Have you ever considered selling the demon meat and bones?"

"Sell the meat and bones?" Yoze raised his eyebrows as he knew what Timothy wanted.

"Yes, I want to buy the meat and the bones of the demons you kill. Well not just me but other martial artists. However, the main entity that wants to buy it is the city."

"After experiencing how delicious and good demon meat is for martial artists\' training it would instantly be a hot commodity in the market." Timothy\'s gloom disappeared for a short period as he recalled the taste of the elephant meat.

"If you know it\'s going to be an instant hit, why would I sell it to the government and not just auction it?" Yoze asked.

"Simply because most martial artists will not be able to afford it so only major powers would be able to. That includes martial art sects which the city despises. So if you wanted to sell the demon meat and bones you would need a permit that the city controls." 

Even though Timothy didn\'t finish his thought process Yoze knew what he wanted to say. If he wanted to sell his demon meat in an auction inside the city and not use the black market he had to get the city on his side. 

Meaning he either sold some of his demon meat and bones directly to the city before going through an auction or only sold it to them. The price that he would sell to the city would naturally be lower than it would be compared to doing it through an auction.

But that came with the question of whether Yoze was willing to put his security and privacy at stake due to selling this rare and life-changing commodity. After thinking about it, Yoze felt it was in his best interest to sell it to the city alone.

Not only was it safer since he didn\'t have to deal with multiple powers competing with each other but it was much more convenient for him. What Yoze might lose by selling it at a lower price but he would gain in other things such as access to martial art body cultivation manuals and techniques. 

"I see what you mean and I am interested in that transaction. But how are we going to settle on the price if we never auction it or put it in the market?" Yoze questioned again.

"Simple it can be based on your price right now and can be further amended later. But for now how much are you willing to sell the Elephant demon\'s skeleton?" Timothy looked at the giant Elephant skeleton, which weighed 16.5 tons alone, being dragged in a cart by his 9 companions.

"100,000 silver or 1000 gold for the whole skeleton." Looking at the monstrous skeleton that still radiated spiritual pressure Yoze felt he was lowballing but he kept the price.

"Only 1000 gold? Yoze you are a generous man but you got yourself a deal." Timothy didn\'t hesitate to accept Yoze\'s price.

When Yoze thought back to when he made that deal to sell the Elephant demon\'s skeleton he was glad he made that decision since he didn\'t have to worry about money for the time being. With 100 thousand silver he would be able to finance his and Tiki\'s and Dreyer\'s crystal expenses for the time being but he still needed to go out and find some demons.

"Knock Knock"

"Speak of the devil." Turning his attention to his door Yoze\'s eyes glowed as he knew who was at the door.

When Yoze opened the door he saw Timothy and River standing at his door with their armor on. And it seems to have gone through an upgrade as Yoze noticed that pieces of the Elephant demon\'s bones were added to the armor.

"Scholar Yoze, it\'s nice to meet you again after so long." Timothy\'s and River\'s eyes sparkled with admiration as they gazed at Yoze. They could tell that he was much stronger compared to four months ago and even grew another inch.

"Nice to meet you two again, come in and take a seat," Yoze said, meaning every one of his words. 

As Timothy and River were talented folks and their talents helped greatly increase his training speed so Yoze was grateful. They also were fun to talk with so Yoze considered them close acquaintances.

"Thank you," 

After Timothy and River got comfortable and stared at Leah, a goat stomping on herbs, with curious eyes before they began to talk about why they were there.

"Scholar Yoze, we came over because we got the news that you were searching for demons," River said.

"That\'s right, I have recovered from my injuries and am ready to start hunting. I\'m guessing from the fact that you too came to visit that the city had picked up some traces of a demon encounter." Yoze said calmly.

"The city has information about numerous demon attacks numbering over 20 attacks but in most of these encounters the city had detected them too late which is why you haven\'t been contacted." River straightened her back as she continued.

"But the city had just lost contact with a town up north and we suspect it is due to a demon. If we are fast enough we might be able to make it and find that demon." 

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