The Legacy System

539 Chapter 539

It was clear that Li Pimp had thrown his Li Family into the claws and teeth of the Cao Family, using them to stall for time and create trouble for the Cao Family, as he took this moment to grow stronger.

Even if the Li Family disappeared, as long as he had the title and recognition of a doctor and an Alchemist he could join a big and powerful family and start anew.

One day he would certainly turn back and take revenge for what happened, but that was only when he was fully confident of taking revenge.

The Cao Family Elders were truly incensed by what happened, as they had never expected that bastard to run away at this moment.

How dare he treat their Cao Family like that!? Who did he think he was!? Their Cao Family would certainly kill that bastard.

But now wasn\'t the moment to think about that, as that antidote pill had already been wasted, and their Young Master was still on the brink of death, while Young Master Ling was recovering.

The dispute between them and the Ling Family seemed to have just settled down the previous moment, but now the situation got even more tense and complicated.

It wasn\'t like the Cao Family Elders feared those guys from the Ling Family, but even if they had the confidence to put them down, it would still be difficult to get the antidote to save their Young Master in time.

For that reason, the leading Elder of the Cao Family did his best to control his feelings, and his thoughts, before he slightly bowed to the leading Elder of the Ling Family, and said,

"Brother Ling, this situation has truly gotten out of control, and many things can\'t be understood anymore.

My Cao Family doesn\'t care anymore about the reasons, and the situation around, as the survival of our Young Master, is our biggest priority now!

As long as you help us with one of those antidote pills, then you have my word, and my oath that my Cao Family will forget this matter and won\'t get involved in this!"

The Elder of the Ling Family couldn\'t help but feel like he was teaching writing to a donkey, as he said in a solemn but devastated voice,

"Brother Gui I can swear, and make an oath as well, that this isn\'t the doing of my Ling Family, we have no antidote pill in our hands!"

Unfortunately, the moment that he said that one of the Elders behind him, seemed to have felt something appear in his pocket and took it out.

It was a small jade box, just like one of those ring boxes, so it immediately got the attention of the crowd.

The Elder had no idea what was inside it, as it had just appeared in his pocket. He had just felt its presence and was curious to know what the hell was going on.

The moment that he opened the little jade box though he immediately regretted his actions, as he saw what was inside.

True, it was an antidote pill inside that box, that left him completely dumbfounded for a moment. How the hell did these antidote pills appear around their Ling Family people like this?

There is no medicine for regret though, even the Jade Emperor doesn\'t have a solution to that, as everyone at the venue saw the antidote pill in his hands.

The people who were more concerned about this matter though were certainly the people from the Cao Family, who upon seeing that couldn\'t help but get furious, as their faces became blood red.

"Heheheheh~! Brother Ling, good Brother Ling, what a good swearing, and oath to the heavens! Truly a good Brother Ling!

Since you don\'t have the antidote pill, then what the fu*ck is that thing your family member is holding! It cant be chicken turd that he picked up on the side of the road, could it!?"

The poor Elder Cao Gui couldn\'t help but laugh from his rage and fury as he screamed in Elder Ling\'s face, as his killing intent was sipping in his words.


That Elder Ling couldn\'t help but turn around to take a look when he saw the little jade box, and then the pill inside it.

He was as shocked and stunned as the elder in whose hands it was found, as he didn\'t know how to react for a few moments.

What the hell is this? How did this thing appear!? Could it be that this was truly a work of his Ling Family, and he had no idea about it? Had he been forsaken from the Family!?

"What the hell are you waiting to waste, since you have an antidote pill in your hands, then give it to Brother Gui fast!"

Quickly regaining his senses and clarity Elder Ling didn\'t waste any more time, as he screamed at that elder.

The poor Elder was startled awakened by the scream of Elder Ling Ling and he couldn\'t control his body for a moment, as the jade box fell from his hands.

The Cao Family people were so furious and enraged at this moment that they didn\'t want to accept this was due to the said Elders\' startle and emotions, and they took it as an open slap on their face.

It seemed like the Ling Family had grown so bold as to actually think of wasting a pill instead of giving it to the Cao Family Young Master and saving his life.

How could they accept something like this, and before Elder Cao Gui could even think of controlling the situation, an Elder behind him jumped in attack while screaming,

"You damn bastards, I will fu*cking kill you all!"

A large and powerful-looking palm was created above the heads of the Ling Family Elders, who had been prepared for the worst for quite some time already.

For that reason, the sudden attack didn\'t catch them unprepared, and before the palm could even reach its maturity was already countered by a powerful fist.

That was the spark that sent both camps fighting. This time it wasn\'t just a show of strength and authority but a real battle of life and death.

Still, as two big families with almost equal standings, it was impossible for either of them to be able to gain an advantage in a short time, and the Cao Family had to think even about their Young Master.

If he didn\'t receive the antidote pill soon, then he would truly die, and his death was a great loss for the Cao Family.

With this situation and these thoughts, the Cao Family\'s leading Elder couldn\'t help but look for another powerful helper as he screamed to the 17th Elder while fighting Elder Ling,

"Brother Cui I am truly ashamed and sorry for my conduct until now, and the way I treated you. But we are both victims of these shameless bastards, and my Young Master is in grave danger.

Please help us out to deal with these bastards, and I can swear to you that our Cao Family won\'t forget this favor!"

Until now the Cui Family people were watching the scene in front of them, like watching some great movie or show.

It was in their best interests to have these guys fight each other and create deep enmity, so they could finally take both of them down.

"Brother Cao it\'s truly a great man, thinking about the big picture even at a time like this, but my foul memory is still repeating to me what you said at the beginning in front of my eyes!

How could I believe Brother Cao\'s words!? How could I believe that you won\'t forget these words and oath as well!

My Cui Family has never wished to make trouble for the other families, we have always tried to tread a path of friendship and alliances!"

Bullshit! While the distrust towards the Cao Family was obvious, the rest of his words were nothing more than turd passed as words, as he had no intention of joining the fight.

At least not so fast! Only when the Cao Family was truly desperate would he actually make a move and enter the fray.

Friendship, alliance!? Those were even worse than crap, what mattered were the interests of the Family, and only when they were secure of taking the best would they make a move.

Unfortunately, the 17th Elder seemed to have forgotten one important variable in this whole mess, as Young Master Cui Xie didn\'t seem to hear or care about his words as he made his way towards the pill.

Upon seeing that happen, the 17th Elder of the Cui Family couldn\'t help but grow red-faced in anger, as he looked at Cui Xie with traces of killing intent.

\'Cui Xie, you motherfu*cker what the fu*ck do you think you are doing!?\'

This was what he wanted to scream at that moment, unfortunately, he couldn\'t as that would directly put them against the Cao Family people.

The Cao Family Elders were extremely happy on their side though, as they even thought lowly of Cui Xie. At the end of the day, who dares to not help their Cao Family.

In his own world, Cui Xie sat down took the antidote pill in his hands, and turned his gaze towards the battlefield, where the Cao Elder was looking at him with a condescending gaze.

While the Ling Family Elder was looking at him with a threatening gaze. At first, it had started as self-defense, but now it had turned into a true fight between the two families.

Since that was the case, and they had destroyed all decorum then why should they still give the antidote pill to that bastard, why should they allow him to live.

Everyone\'s attention was upon Cui Xie…

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