Tempest of the Stellar War

Chapter 1123 - Aina’s Arrival

Chapter 1123: Aina’s Arrival

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Laurel made an excruciating decision.

Yan Xiaosu’s hopeless actions had caused her confidence to continually diminish. But because of what she had with Jasper, Laurel decided to take a gamble. Perhaps life was not supposed to be logical.

From a different perspective, Yan Xiaosu had provided this chance, and that was not bad already. One could not expect too much of others.

But all this while, she had seen Yan Xiaosu too highly. Perhaps because Jasper had always idolized Yan Xiaosu. The two of them had been together for a long time, and it was impossible to be unaffected or have no feelings.

Margate Interstellar Airline’s attacks were getting more and more urgent. In the large scale of things, it was getting more and more disadvantageous for themselves. There was news to prove that Margate Interstellar Airline was approaching their existing contract partners, and things looked dire.

At this time, there were only two choices.

The first was to be cruelly simple and abandon Yan Xiaosu, turning to work with Margate Interstellar Airline. She was not oblivious to the fact that some in her family were secretly in contact with Margate.

The second was to use her family’s power to break the situation. The best break was still New Time Shipping. Her presence, compared to her family’s presence, had completely different implications.

The first choice... had been given up on. That left the second choice.

A hesitating finger slid across her Skylink. A number bloomed large on her screen, and then finally connected.

“Uncle, there’s something...”

At Newcastle, Yan Xiaosu had also made a difficult decision.

On the Skylink, Wang Zheng’s number was displayed.

Please leave a message after the tone...

Yan Xiaosu could hold it back no longer. In front of outsiders, he would bluff until the end, but alone, his defenses were down. At this stage, Yan Xiaosu knew that he was played out. Any further delays could cause trouble. But calling Wang Zheng’s Skylink, it was silent. And if the Skylink was silenced, it meant that something must have happened to Wang Zheng. SIG was in progress, and he might very well be injured. If it were something more serious, then Zhang Shan and the rest would not have stayed silent.

His finger swept, and Wang Zheng’s number receded from the Skylink. Zisu was helpless as well. This was a real headache, but Yan Xiaosu was still calm. He had been through much as well. He had a close brush with death on Tita Star, and now he was still gambling!


That woman was really capable, but throughout this entire process, she had not thrown her lot in. Yan Xiaosu had to remain calm. As long as he did, Laurel might still act. The moment he showed weakness, a clever woman like Laurel would definitely leave, perhaps even bringing Jasper with her. Even if Jasper stayed, the entire project would have no real use.

He would play into the plan and hold his breath till the last.

Suddenly, his Skylink flashed. It was Laurel. Speak of the devil. Yan Xiaosu calmed himself and reviewed his words.

After a simple greeting, Laurel opened a window of hope.

“Brother Yan, Margate is pressing us tighter now. Fairy Star Federation is the best breakthrough. My uncle is familiar with Governor Keelung, and I’m thinking of asking him to help us break through!”

Laurel tried her best to soften her words, believing that Yan Xiaosu understood the choice to either retreat or advance.

Yan Xiaosu obviously understood. In the end, he had still succeeded.

Laurel’s uncle was indeed capable. The Governor’s office had already arranged a time for an official business meeting with the KO Tita Business Organisation. This meant that the entire matter had opened up for discussion, which was tremendous progress.

Would Yan Xiaosu quail?

No, this was business. Even though Laurel had exerted her influence, he still had to hold leadership. Otherwise, everything that happened before would slip away. And now Yan Xiaosu understood the meaning of compromising.

At SIG, all the wounded soldiers received two pieces of good news. The first was that the main competition would not be brought forward, to give them all ample time to recover. Besides two fighters whose injuries were too grave, and therefore could not make a complete recovery, everyone else would return to their teams in good time.

The second piece of good news was that Princess Aina would visit and encourage the wounded. Even if she just showed her face, they could all feel the charms of the Princess up close. One smile could ease their hearts, and their pain would vanish. It was better than any painkiller.

Qiankun Zadeh naturally wanted to see her. How to say it? Aina was troubled by Qiankun Zadeh’s “efforts”, but she could not reject his “protection”. She had understood from Lin Feng that Wang Zheng had been merciful. How like Wang Zheng that was!

In truth, he did not have to. It was a battle of life and death, and Qiankun Zadeh himself would have died with no regrets. But Wang Zheng had purposely spared his life. Anyone else with less dignity would have ignored it, but for the Aslan people, especially one as prideful as Qiankun Zadeh, he could not bear to raise another finger against Wang Zheng.

Even if they met in the main competition, such a psychological disadvantage would see him unable to bring forth his true power. And such a psychological disadvantage could not be erased. At least, at this age, he could not.

Wang Zheng’s side was rather lively as well. Zhang Shan and the rest were there, and Wang Zheng’s aptitude for recovery had left the Aslan doctors marvelling. Although they had used the fastest surgical and bone-recovery techniques, Wang Zheng had emerged from the incubator in just three days. Of course, the key was that the critical parts of his body had been reinforced, but there was no need to lie in the incubator anymore. That was an astounding speed.

News of Aina’s arrival had started a commotion, and they were waiting as well. Luckily, his brothers had shown him face and had not teased him. In truth, these two were respected for taking on the world. Wang Zheng was super gutsy, and Princess Aina was indeed someone who liked to watch the world burn.

Finally, Aina had come. Her secretary, Lacus, had held everyone outside, all for Aina’s safety. Although the other fighters were also suitors, they had manners. Aina stopped perfunctorily everywhere else, to satisfy the demands of courtesy. But this place was different, and Lacus knew it, which was why she had set up the opportunity for the Princess.

She was the Princess’ secretary, just like Angela was to Lin Huiyin. She need not have her own opinion, nor take initiative. She existed merely to adhere to the Princess’ wishes, and to serve the Princess. For example, even if the whole world was against her on the matter of Wang Zheng, she had to be on the same side as the Princess. Even Kashawen could not sway her. This was the law of Aslan royalty.

Although there were many people around, the two were locked from the moment they met. There were a million things in their hearts that cried out, but an exchange of looks told all.

No one else made a sound. Outside, Lacus coughed. It was time. The Princess could stay a while, but not linger. It would not do to trigger Lady Kashawen at this time.

“Student Wang Zheng, congratulations. The Saruman Snake battle team has again made a miracle.” Speaking of that, Aina was also a student of Elite Academy X, so referring to him “student” was normal.

“Oh, my stomach hurts!” Zhang Shan suddenly bawled. He incessantly made eyes.

“I told you not to eat so much! I’ll go with you!” Achilles suddenly said. “Come along as well.”

Lie Xin was speechless. Stupid boys. If they all left, it was over. Even though she was a woman, she was discouraged after looking at Aina. It was hopeless. She looked composed, but burning inside was someone completely different.

Wang Zheng smiled, looking at Aina. Only he knew the real Aina.

After everyone had left, Wang Zheng opened his arms.

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